How To Get The Most Money Out Of The Jewelry You're Selling
If you have some jewelry that you would like to sell and get the most money for, you will need to take a few steps. Even if you simply inherited the jewelry and really want to be done with the sale of it so you can divide the money among the heirs, you will want to do what you can in order to get the what the pieces of jewelry are really worth. To do that, you will want to make use of the following advice.
Have The Jewelry Cleaned
You can clean the jewelry on your own with a store-bought cleaning kit. However, you don't want to miss any spots or potentially damage anything. If you would like to take the safest route possible, you will want to hire a professional to clean the jewelry. Some major fine retail stores may offer this service, or you might have to specifically look for a professional jewelry cleaner online or at a jewelry shop.
Have The Jewelry Appraised
It will not be enough for you to simply take the jewelry to a local store and have the sales associate there give you an amount of how much they think it is worth. Their opinion really does not mean much of anything in terms of you making sure that you are going to get the right price for the jewelry. They could give you a figure that is over the top or a figure that is a ripoff. Instead, you will want to go to an actual appraiser who will be able to carefully examine each piece of jewelry and then provide you with a written appraisal for each piece. This is important because you do not know if the jewelry that you have will sell as a unit or if you will have to piece them out individually. Sometimes, you make more money selling jewelry pieces one by one.
With just those two tips in mind, you should have an easy enough time determining the best value for the jewelry that you have to sell. Once you have done that, you will want to start figuring out how you would like to sell all of it. You could list each piece individually online, take it all to a resell shop, or contact an auction house. Just make sure that you are standing firm with your price and have a copy of the appraisal with you so you can prove its worth.