Re-Designing Love: Making Heirloom Estate Jewelry Modern

Estate jewelry comes from many different sources. Some people inherit cherished items of estate jewelry that belonged to their mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother. Depending on the wealth of the family, some of these pieces can be quite elaborate. Sometimes, a piece of jewelry that begins as a family heirloom often makes its way into the world to be sold to a collector who is not related by blood. Whether the jewelry is of sentimental value or not, the person who intends to wear the estate piece may wish to have the jewelry repaired, tweaked, or completely re-designed, either to suit their particular tastes, to resize the piece to fit their body, or to fortify the piece so that it less likely to break.

How To Make Sure You're Ready For Your Bridal Photos

If you are newly engaged, then you have a lot of planning to do. One of the things that you have to plan for is your bridal photos. Traditionally, bridal photos are done before the groom ever sees the bride and are then displayed at the wedding reception. However, the latest trend in bridal photos is to photograph both the bride and the groom together so that they have some pictures to frame and hang in their house.